Wednesday, 7 May 2014



Most of the people believe that change in demand and change in quantity demanded is same but this is not the same.There is a big difference between change in demand and change in quantity demanded.Let us see both of these concepts separately.


Change in demand refers to change in demand due to change in non-price factors like,income.For example if a person's income has increased he will shift his interests to better quality products.
In the above figure,it is quite cleared that prices are the same but demand curve shifts from D1 to D2.That shows this shift in demand curve is due to change in any variable OTHER THAN PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.


Change in quantity demanded is refers to change in the demand of the product due to change prices of the product while other factors are constant.For example if a person's income is CU100 and he buys a product from one shop at CU2 and that shop keeper increases or decreases the prices of that product,the demand of his product shall also vary as shown in the figure below

In the above it is quite clear that quantity demanded of the product varies due to only variation in prices.In this case we move along the demand curve.





In economics, the law states that, all else being equal, as the price of a product increases, quantity demanded falls; likewise, as the price of a product decreases, quantity demanded increases.
In other words, the law of demand states that the quantity demanded and the price of a commodity are inversely related, other things remaining constant. If the income of the consumer, prices of the related goods, and preferences of the consumer remain unchanged, then the change in quantity of good demanded by the consumer will be negatively correlated to the change in the price of the good.There are, however, some possible exceptions to this rule which are below.
  • Change in taste or demand.
  • Change in income
  • Change in other prices.
  • Discovery of substitution.
  • Anticipatory change in prices.
  • Rare or distinction goods.    

Tuesday, 6 May 2014



Economics is the social science that studies the behavior of individuals’ households, and organizations (called economic actors, players, or agents), when they manage or use scarce resources, which have alternative uses, to achieve desired ends. Agents are assumed to act rationally, have multiple desirable ends in sight, limited resources to obtain these ends, a set of stable preferences, a definite overall guiding objective, and the capability of making a choice. There exists an economic problem, subject to study by economic science, when a decision (choice) has to be made by one or more resource-controlling players to attain the best possible outcome under bounded rational conditions. In other words, resource-controlling agents must maximize value subject to the constraints imposed by the information the agents have, their cognitive limitations, and the finite amount of time they have to make and execute a decision. Economic science centers on the activities of the economic agents that comprise society. They are the focus of economic analysis.
The traditional concern of economics is to gain an understanding of the processes that govern the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an exchange economy. An agent may have purposes or ends, such as reducing or protecting individuals from crime, on which he or she wants to spend resources. Economics may study how the agent determines the amount of resources to allocate for this purpose, aside from the traditional concern of economics.
An approach to understanding the processes of production, distribution, and consumption, through the study of agent behavior under scarcity, may go as follows: The continuous interplay (exchange or trade) had done by economic actors in all markets sets the prices for all goods and services which, in turn, make the rational managing of scarce resources possible. At the same time, the decisions (choices) made by the same actors, while they are pursuing their own interest (their overall guiding objective), determine the level of output (production), consumption, savings, and investment, in an economy, as well as the remuneration (distribution) paid to the owners of labor (in the form of wages), capital (in the form of profits) and land (in the form of rent). Each period, as if they were in a giant feedback system, economic players influence the pricing processes and the economy, and are in turn influenced by them until a steady state (equilibrium) of all variables involved is reached or until an external shock throws the system toward a new equilibrium point. Because of the autonomous actions of rational interacting agents, the economy is a complex adaptive system.
The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek οἰκονομία (oikonomia, "management of a household, administration") from οἶκος (oikos, "house") andνόμος (nomos, "custom" or "law"), hence "rules of the house(hold for good management)".Political economy' was the earlier name for the subject, but economists in the late 19th century suggested "economics" as a shorter term for "economic science" to establish itself as a separate discipline outside of political science and other social sciences.
Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. Consistent with this focus, primary textbooks often distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics examines the behavior of basic elements in the economy, including individual agents and markets, their interactions, and the outcomes of interactions. Individual agents may include, for example, households, firms, buyers, and sellers. Macroeconomics analyzes the entire economy (meaning aggregated production, consumption, savings, and investment) and issues affecting it, including unemployment of resources (labor, capital, and land), inflation, economic growth, and the public policies that address these issues (monetary, fiscal, and other policies).
Other broad distinctions within economics include those between positive economics, describing "what is," and normative economics, advocating "what ought to be"; between economic theory and applied economics; between rational and behavioral economics; and between mainstream economics (more "orthodox" and dealing with the "rationality-individualism-equilibrium nexus") and heterodox economics (more "radical" and dealing with the "institutions-history-social structure nexus").
Besides the traditional concern in production, distribution, and consumption in an economy, economic analysis may be applied throughout society, as in business, finance, health care, and government. Economic analyses may also be applied to such diverse subjects as crime, education, the family, law, politics, religion, social institutions, war, and science; by considering the economic aspects of these subjects. Education, for example, requires time, effort, and expenses, plus the foregone income and experience, yet these losses can be weighed against future benefits education may bring to the agent or the economy. At the turn of the 21st century, the expanding domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism.





There are a number of reasons behind the economic downfall of a country but there are some reasons which can be found normally everywhere.The reasons for economic downfall are limitless but some potential and common to every economy are covered on this article.
1.INCREASE IN POPULATION:Increase in population is one of the main reason for economic downfall of any country.This shows the inverse relation of population with the economy,at times not every time.The reason behind this is that it reduces GDP per capita of the country as GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP of the country with its population.
2.DECREASE IN MAN POWER:This should not be considered as a contradiction with the above point.Although it looks to be contradicting but the logic behind this is that population is essential for the development of a country.For example, China,being the biggest country by population has made wonderful development during the last two decades.On the other hand,the biggest country of Europe,Germany,also has recognized that man power is required for the development of economy as the lack man power in 2007-08.
3.LAW AND ORDER SITUATION:Law and order situation plays a vital role in stabilizing the economy.Countries where law and order situation is not satisfactory face a lot of difficulties.For example there shall be no investment from outside the country and even from the people of that country in a country where law and order situation is no good.
4.ADVERSE TERMS OF TRADE:An agricultural country,today,has adverse terms of trade if that country is not technologically developed.This is a very simple economic concept that perishable goods are cheap as compared to non-perishable goods because of their storage problems and other issues.The terms of trade is the ratio of amount expanded for import and received from export.This is the reason why technologically less developed countries have adverse TOT.For example Pakistan which exports a large number of its agricultural products for just a single missile.
5.POLITICAL INSTABILITY:Political instability has a direct relation with economic stability.The reason is that for the development of the economy long term policies for their full period are required rather than long term policies for a shorter period.
6.DEVALUATION OF CURRENCY:A country's currency plays a vital role in the development of a country's economy.A country whose currency has less value than the currency of a country to which it trades will definitely face the economic recession as it expands more for imports because of its devalued currency.

The above discussed points may not be applicable in every situation and these are written according to my understanding of this topic.But so far I studied I found these points to be common in almost every country's economic down falls.